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Plate 153:  Building a locomotive service yard, Part 19:  marking the roadbed for installation of a sub-surface point motor
(This plate added OCT 2003)

The plywood roadbed of the locomotive service yard is only 3/16-inch thick, so it can be easily cut and trimmed with a scroll-saw blade. In this view, the big piece of plywood seen in Plate136 has been trimmed down to a size adequate to support a three-spur yard.

The rectangle marked with the dimensions 25 mm (25 millimeters) and 40 mm (40 millimeters) will later be cut out with a scroll saw in order to provide space for the sub-surface mounting of a Hornby double-solenoid point motor. The opening in the center of the rectangle is a pilot hole that was made to accommodate the insertion of the scroll-saw blade.