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Plate 55:  Constructing the Black Castle, Part 21: the wall-walk has been extended one-half inch, and three corbels have been affixed to the left bastion
(This plate added MAR 2004)

The wall-walk, which is actually the floor of the battlement, has been extended outward one-half inch, so that the extended edge overhangs the entrance arch as well as both bastions. The extended wall-walk must be supported by closely-spaced corbels, three of which have now been affixed to the front of the left bastion.

SUBJECT: Three corbels are emplaced

CAMERA:  Sony DSC-P92 Cyber-shot
MEDIA:  Sony MSA-64A Memory Stick at 1.2 megapixel resolution
FILE:  JPEG from Sony Image Transfer version 1.00.1015.01
EDITING:  Adobe Photoshop
The wall-walk was extended simply by cutting thin cardboard to the shape of the template shown in Plates 53 and 54, and then gluing the cardboard onto the top of the entire curtain wall.

Because actual overhanging wall-walks were made of heavy stone, the overhanging portion required support from underneath. This support was provided by corbels, which consisted of several projecting stone slabs laid on top of each other. The lowest slab projected the least amount, then the next higher slab projected a little more, and so on. Each of the corbels shown in the accompanying photo consists of four such slabs.

Actually, the miniature corbels shown here were cut from foam-sandwich bulletin boards which were purchased inexpensively at the stationery department of a Wal-Mart store. After being cut to shape, the corbels were glued underneath the projecting wall-walk. A projecting battlement such as this is sometimes referred to as a corbelled-out battlement.

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