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Plate 216:  Preparing for construction of a power distribution center, Part 2: home location, north face
(This plate added NOV 2003)

We have decided to place the power distribution center at the northeast corner of the layout. This view shows the northeast corner at the north face. The board that supports the terminal blocks lies directly upon the baseboard. It will not be fastened to the baseboard, because it should be easily removable for inspection and maintenance. That is, we should be able to "slide out" the entire board for servicing. This is why we said in Plate 215 that the mounting screws should not protrude below the board.

At this corner of the layout, the embankment-level roadbed squarely overhangs the baseboard all the way to the edge. For an earlier view of this overhanging corner roadbed, see Plate 78.

At the left of the picture is a large sloping board. This board is not part of the layout - it is an unused piece of lumber that happened to be leaning against a bookcase when this picture was taken.