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Plate 185:  A new concept from the designer:  the Grand Imperial Terminal
(This plate added OCT 2003)

In Plate 177, it was pointed out that the designer (who created the original concept models) often conceives grandiose ideas that are difficult to implement. For example, the accompanying sketch was done by the designer early one morning while he was waiting for his car to be serviced.

The sketch roughly depicts the designer's conception of the Grand Imperial Terminal, to be constructed at the embankment level along the north face.

When the designer nonchalantly presented this sketch to the builder with the offhand query:

"How long do you think it would take to run up this design in 00 scale?", the builder's spontaneous response was:

"Less time than eternity and more time than your remaining active years!"

Actually, however, the builder really loves a challenge, and he is already working on construction plans based upon this sketch, although he believes that the terminal should not be built along the north face.

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