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Plate 184:  Increased illumination over the layout
(This plate added OCT 2003)

In Plate 91, it was stated that the entire layout had been rotated in order to provide better accessibility. After the layout was rotated, the net overhead illumination decreased.

The reason for the decrease was that the layout's two fluorescent fixtures had been suspended squarely over the old position of the layout in the south side of the room, so that the north half of the rotated layout was now in partial shadow.

At first, it was decided to move the two original fixtures over the layout's new position, but it turned out that a better idea was to install a third hanging fixture, thereby not only providing full illumination over the layout, but also giving more illumination for the entire room. The increased availability of low-cost lighting fixtures in discount stores helped to keep the additional cost within budget (the new fixture and its two fluorescent tubes were purchased for a very reasonable price at the local Wal-Mart store).

See Plates 25, 26, and 27 for pictures of the original two-fixture illumination scheme.

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