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Plate 176:  Building a locomotive service yard, Part 42:  the second point-motor cut-out in the permanent roadbed
(This plate added OCT 2003)

The accompanying picture is similar to Plate 169, except that instead of seeing the photographer's white backdrop board directly beneath the cut-out, we see all the way down to the baseboard, 4-1/2 inches below. This picture reveals how simple it is to prepare for the installation of sub-surface point motors if care is taken in planning the positions of the 25-by-40 millimeter cut-outs.

When it is time to install a standard right-hand point in this position, the point motor will first be affixed to the new point by means of the mounting tabs (see Plate 163), then the curved place-holder track will be removed, and finally the point motor will simply be dropped into the cut-out with the point already attached.

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