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Plate 123:  Trial-fitting the roadbed for a proposed locomotive service yard, Part 1
(This plate added OCT 2003)

In Plate 92 we introduced a proposal for a locomotive service yard (at that time referred to as a "storage yard"). A left-hand point had been positioned at the 4-1/2 inch level on the north face of the layout for future connection to such a yard. In this view, we are looking again at the left-hand point that was seen in Plate 92. Compensating roadbed has since been placed under the straight side of the point, and the point has been repeatedly tested for smooth running since the day it was photographed for Plate 92.

Now, a large piece of scrap plywood, left over from the original "quarter panels" (see Plate 37), has been loosely fitted under the curved track emerging from the point, and a spur track has been laid down on the plywood.