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This bibliography was last updated on December 10th, 2004

NOTE:  The formatting style for our bibliography was adapted from the style recommendations of the Modern Languages Association (MLA). These MLA recommendations can be found in the website of the Purdue University Online Writing Lab. A link to this Purdue website appears at the right.

Click here to link to the Purdue University Online Writing Lab's MLA reference page.

This bibliography comprises two sections:
1. Books and other printed matter (light blue background)
2. Film and Video (light yellow background)
Bibliography (Books and other printed matter)References in these pages
..........Campbell-Kease, John, ed..   Tribute to an Armorist: Essays for John Brooke-Little to mark the Golden Jubilee of 'The Coat of Arms'.  Guildford, Surrey:  The Heraldry Society, 2000.No specific references appear at this time
..........Carrington, Richard.   Life Nature Library: The Mammals.  New York:  Time-Life Books, 1963.No specific references appear at this time
..........College of Arms.   Newsletter No. 1, May 2004.  London:  College of Arms, 2004.No specific references appear at this time
..........College of Arms.   Newsletter No. 2, August 2004.  London:  College of Arms, 2004.No specific references appear at this time
..........College of Arms.   Newsletter No. 3, November 2004.  London:  College of Arms, 2004.No specific references appear at this time
..........Heraldry Society, The.   The Heraldry Gazette, New Series 93, September 2004.  Guildford, Surrey:  The Heraldry Society, 2004.No specific references appear at this time
..........Kightly, Charles, and Peter Cheze-Brown.   Strongholds of the Realm.  London:  Thames and Hudson Ltd., 1979.No specific references appear at this time
..........MacKinnon of Dunakin, Charles.   The Observer's Book of Heraldry.  London:  Frederick Warne & Co. Ltd., 1966.No specific references appear at this time
.........."mongoose".   Encyclopedia Britannica. 1998 ed.No specific references appear at this time
.........."mongoose".   Funk & Wagnall's New Encyclopedia. 1979 ed.No specific references appear at this time
.........."mongoose".   Grolier Encyclopedia of Knowledge. 1991 ed.No specific references appear at this time
..........Stoker, Bram.   Lair of the White Worm.  Norwood, Australia:  Deodand Books., 2002.2
Bibliography (Film and video)References in these pages
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