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Plate 253:  Wiring the point motors through the distribution center, Part 31: a complete end-to-end circuit for a point motor
(This plate added NOV 2003)

In the accompanying picture, we see all the elements of a complete end-to-end three-wire circuit for the point motor at location ULML-pt-1 (the little trackside hut at the left of the picture conceals this point motor). We have finally materialized the wiring arrangement that was conceived in Plate 166.

There are two more point motors currently in the layout, at positions ELML-pt-1 and ELLY-pt-1 (see Plate 240). Point motor ELLY-pt-2 is planned, but not yet mechanically installed.The wiring for these three other motors will use up three additional columns in rows 1, 2 and 3 of the power distribution center. If more than six new point motors are installed after that, then three new terminal blocks must be emplaced in the distribution board, because rows 1, 2 and 3 will be fully populated with existing circuits.