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Plate 242:  Wiring the point motors through the distribution center, Part 20: stripping wires for a common solenoid circuit
(This plate added NOV 2003)

In the accompanying picture, we see the upper-level R8014 surface-mounted point motor which is designated as ULML-pt-1 in the operating diagram. At this time, the wiring condition of this point motor is exactly as it was in Plate 110, before any electrical connections were made. The red, green and black wires from this motor are no longer temporarily connected to test circuits, because we have disassembled all temporary circuits. We are now ready to make permanent electrical connections on all point motors through the new power distribution center.

We have stripped, using the yellow-handled wire stripper, about a half-inch of insulation from the black wire of the point motor's common solenoid circuit. In order to prevent the common wire from springing back under the roadbed, we have temporarily held the wire down with the wire stripper. We have also stripped about a half-inch of insulation from the end of a reel of 20-gauge hook-up wire.

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