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Plate 101:  View looking east toward the trackside hut
(This plate added OCT 2003)

The Hornby trackside hut, shown from above in Plate 100, can be seen from the side in this view. Observe that the upper-level roadbed leading up to the hut has been increased in width (compare with Plate 90, for example, where the upper roadbed was wide enough only for two parallel tracks).

This increase in the width of the upper roadbed occurred because a minimum amount of construction labor was required in order to accommodate the surface-mounted point motor (see Plates 99 and 100). It was therefore decided to expend a small additional amount of labor and to continue the hut's plywood roadbed extension all the way west along the upper north girder (toward the viewer in this picture). The new roadbed extension might provide room for a platform of a railway station.

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