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Plate 12:  Preliminary sketch for the design of a removable black setting for small displays
(This plate added FEB 2004)

HE accompanying picture is a sketch for the design of a removable black setting for small displays, first mentioned by that name in Plate 3.
The proposed setting consists simply of three pieces of black matting board taped together. The matting board is black on one side and white on the other side. The pieces are taped together so that the black sides form an interior corner (a floor, a back, and a left side). The tape is applied to the outer sides, and is not visible within the interior corner.

The floor of the setting will stand upon the cabinet-top shown in Plate 2. Free-standing plinths (see Plate 4 ), also constructed from black matting board, can be placed upon the floor of the display in any arrangement desired.

SUBJECT: original sketch of Black Setting for Small Displays

SCANNER:  Hewlett-Packard HP-4100C
FILE:  JPEG from HP PrecisionScan LT
EDITING:  Adobe Photoshop