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Plate 268:  Concept-3, Part 3: how track is accurately reproduced in one-twelfth scale
(This plate added NOV 2003)

Before either Concept-1 or Concept-2 was constructed, a one-twelfth scale template for Hornby sectional track was drafted by the builder. The accompanying picture shows the template, which was created using the 1-in-12 scale of an architect's ruler along with a bow compass. This template is filed in the same scrapbook that contains the track diagrams. All the one-twelfth scale paper track seen in the concept models was created with the aid of this template.

The template shown here was recently updated to contain measurements for small-radius curved track (known as "first radius" in the Hornby catalogue). When Concept-1 and Concept-2 were built, first-radius curves were not considered to be practical for the layout, because certain long-wheelbase locomotives require "second radius" and "third radius" curves. The arcs that represent second and third radius curves can be seen at the bottom of the template. Because the current track plan (Plate 263) calls for first-radius curves in the inner loop near the barge canal, we have now updated the template to include a first-radius arc.

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