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Plate 127:  Operational testing for the proposed locomotive service yard
(This plate added OCT 2003)

In this view, similar to Plate 126 but looking north, we have a clear view of the location of the proposed locomotive service yard. The plywood roadbed for the yard, not yet cut down to size, can be seen in the lower left corner of the picture. The left-hand yard point (see Plate 123) is clearly visible beneath the "Flying Scotsman" locomotive. The spur track representing the proposed yard extends to the southwest from the yard point (toward and to the left of the viewer).

Testing proceeded as follows: after a main-line run at the upper level, the train was run in reverse down the descending outer loop. Then, after uncoupling from the cars at the uncoupling ramp (behind the white stanchion in this view), the locomotive and tender were run forward (toward the right in this view) just clear of the yard point and then stopped. The yard point, not yet controlled by a point motor, was then manually thrown toward the spur. The locomotive was then run in reverse over the point and onto the spur.

In an actual operation after completion of the yard, a switching locomotive would emerge from a separate spur in the service yard and would run forward through the yard point, stopping just to the right of the point. The point would then be thrown to the straight track and the switching locomotive would run in reverse toward the left, pushing the uncoupled "Flying Scotsman" cars to a distant car yard. After uncoupling from the cars in the car yard, the switching locomotive would return to the locomotive service yard to await the next operation.

The small structure to the right of the locomotive is a 00-scale trackside hut that is provided with the Hornby point motor housing kit.

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