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Plate 58:  Constructing the Black Castle, Part 24: corbels, more corbels, merlons, and crenellations
(This plate added MAR 2004)

Corbel production is now in high gear, and the same material that is used to manufacture corbels has also been used to construct our first-ever crenellations.

SUBJECT: Construction of the battlement: crenellations and corbels

CAMERA:  Sony DSC-P92 Cyber-shot
MEDIA:  Sony MSA-64A Memory Stick at 1.2 megapixel resolution
FILE:  JPEG from Sony Image Transfer version 1.00.1015.01
EDITING:  Adobe Photoshop
The entire outside wall of the left bastion has been fitted with corbels, as has the bastion's narrow front wall. Not all the corbels of the left bastion are visible in this view. Some corbels have also been fitted along the wide front wall of the entrance arch.

Our first merlons and crenellations have been cut from the same foam-sandwich bulletin board that is providing material for the corbels. The resulting crenellated battlement wall has been glued to the curtain wall above the entrance arch. The top of the curtain wall can now truly be called the wall-walk, because defenders can walk their rounds in safety behind the crenellated battlement wall. The proportions of the battlement are very close to those that were originally proposed in the planning print (see Plate 52).

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