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Plate 45:  Constructing the Black Castle, Part 11: the wall-walk
(This plate added MAR 2004)

The accompanying photo looks down upon the floor of the battlement.

In Plate 43, we saw suits of armor standing upon the top of the curtain wall. In this view, we see the actual floor upon which the suits of armor were standing.

SUBJECT: Looking down upon the floor on top of the curtain wall

CAMERA:  Sony DSC-P92 Cyber-shot
MEDIA:  Sony MSA-64A Memory Stick at 1.2 megapixel resolution
FILE:  JPEG from Sony Image Transfer version 1.00.1015.01
EDITING:  Adobe Photoshop
The floor of the battlement, which is really the flat top of the curtain wall , is a place upon which the castle's defenders can stand. More importantly, the floor provides a place where the defenders can walk along the entire length of the curtain wall as they keep watch for the enemy.

Because the defenders are able to walk along the battlement floor, the floor is called a wall-walk (here the word walk is used as a noun, meaning a place upon which to walk). Similarly, in the everyday world, the paved strip alongside a city street is known as a sidewalk.

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