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Plate 26:  A record appears within a printable report
(This plate added FEB 2004)

S soon as we click the button Report by Category, the database compiles a report of all the items that have so far been catalogued in the selected category.
The report is designed to display up to four items per page, and the number of pages is limited only by the number of items in the report.

For example, if one hundred items have been catalogued, the report will contain twenty-five pages. In this case, the report contained only three items, because only three items in the category Motor Vehicle, Military, Personnel have so far been catalogued.

SUBJECT: Microsoft Access database report 

SCANNER:  Hewlett-Packard HP-4100C
FILE:  JPEG from HP PrecisionScan LT
EDITING:  Adobe Photoshop
The accompanying picture shows only one of the three catalogued items from the report, because we have decided to concentrate our attention upon finding this particular item.

In order to find the actual item, we look at the last line in the report: Room, Shelf, Bin. This line contains information that reveals where the article is currently being stored. We then go to the storage room indicated in the report, and we obtain the Bin, which happens to be a large cardboard carton that previously held computer paper. The Bin is identified as Georgia-Pacific carton "4".

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