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Plate 328:  Making a paper template for the marshalling yard roadbed, part 14, the shorter of the two British Railways vehicles has been selected
(This plate added JAN 2004)

The two vehicles in the boxed set shown in Plate 327 are 1/76 scale (00 scale) replicas of trucks (British usage: lorries) once used by British Railways (see Plate 141). The vehicles are painted in the colors known familiarly as "BR blood and custard livery".

The shorter of the two vehicles is shown in the accompanying illustration. It is an articulated cab-and-semi-trailer (British usage: "artic"). Specifically, Lledo, the toy's manufacturer, identifies the vehicle as an "AEC Mammoth with articulated back box". AEC stands for The Associated Equipment Company, Ltd., founded in 1912. For a discussion of this company, please see, in our Bibliography, the following reference:  Miller, Denis.  The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Trucks and Buses.

The builder has placed the vehicle upon the extended "turn-around" template first shown in Plate 326. We are looking west. The track on the right is a spur of the marshalling yard; the track on the left is the embankment-level main line.