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Plate 270:  Concept-3, Part 5: a closer look at the one-twelfth scale track template
(This plate added NOV 2003)

The accompanying picture provides a close view of our one-twelfth scale track template, which was originally drafted in August, 2003. This template represents, in one-twelfth scale, the track measurements for the Hornby track system. Hornby publishes the measurements for all track sections in their annual catalogue, and also in their Track Plans book.

The published track measurements are given in millimeters (for example, the length of a standard straight section is given as 168 millimeters in the catalogue). Millimeter measurements are not useful to us, however, because we choose to employ an "inch and foot" system in our concept models. We thus convert all millimeter-measurements to inch-measurements in our template. For example, the length of a "standard straight" track section, which is published as 168 millimeters in the catalogue, is also shown in our template as 6.6 inches, a measurement which is instantly discernible in the calibrated scale of our architect's ruler.