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Plate 67:  Repairing the damaged corbels, Part 1: the nature of the damage
(This plate added APR 2004)

When the Black Castle was spray-painted with dull black enamel, the black paint had a deleterious effect on all the corbels. The corbels are made from foam-sandwich board (see Plate 57), and when the exposed foam at the narrow stair-like surface of each corbel was coated with the spray paint, the foam collapsed, leaving each corbel with a crushed, hollow appearance.

The exact reason that the foam reacted in this manner to the spray-paint is not a matter of interest. However, we now realize that foam surfaces must be covered or masked before this type of spray paint is applied.

All this aside, what are we going to do about the damaged corbels?

SUBJECT: Sketch explaining damage to corbels

SCANNER:  Hewlett-Packard HP-4100C
FILE:  JPEG from HP PrecisionScan LT
EDITING:  Adobe Photoshop
The accompanying sketch shows how we will attempt to remedy the damage to the corbels. The artisan will fashion thirty-nine stair-like facings from thin manila board and glue these facings individually to each of the battlement's thirty-nine damaged corbels. See Plate 38 for a discussion of manila board.

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