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Plate 120:  Adding a souvenir mug to the collection, Part 6: fixing the drawing of the lion rampant guardant
(This plate added SEP 2004)

The Collector does not harbor any illusions about his ability as an artist, but he was quite proud of his Lion Rampant Guardant drawing, which will be part of the decoration of a presentation box for the 1977 Silver Jubilee mug.

SUBJECT: Lion Rampant Guardant, version 1


 Hewlett-Packard HP-4100C
 JPEG from HP PrecisionScan LT
 Adobe Photoshop SUBJECT: Lion Rampant Guardant, version 2


 Hewlett-Packard HP-4100C
 JPEG from HP PrecisionScan LT
 Adobe Photoshop SUBJECT: Lion Rampant Guardant, version 3


 Hewlett-Packard HP-4100C
 JPEG from HP PrecisionScan LT
 Adobe Photoshop
Lion Rampant Guardant, original version. Lion Rampant Guardant, second version. Lion Rampant Guardant, third version.
That's a very nice drawing," the Photographer said to the Collector as the two gentlemen were seated in the spacious library at the Collector's country estate, waiting for the caterer's man to deliver lunch.

The Photographer was examining the Collector's first drawing of the Lion Rampant Guardant, reproduced above on the left.

"One or two things bother me, however," the Photographer continued. "First of all, your lion's right paw is smaller than his left paw, unlike the lion on the mug, whose paws are of equal size. Also, your lion appears to be scratching his left knee with his right paw, which is a distracting activity not worthy of public view. In addition, your lion appears to be wagging his left front leg in a limp-wristed manner, as if he's discreetly signalling to the wine waiter. Do you follow what I'm saying?"

The Collector held up the drawing in one hand while holding the 1977 Silver Jubilee mug in his other hand.

"You are absolutely correct," he said, comparing his drawing with the superb decoration on the mug. "Your observations, while perhaps overly trenchant, are perfectly justified. The lion on the mug definitely exhibits a more combative and statesmanlike appearance than the lion in my drawing."

The Collector then proceeded to modify his drawing by pasting small pieces of white adhesive labels over the offending portions, and then sketching directly onto the fresh surfaces provided by the label paper:

  1. In the second of the three versions shown above, we see that the lion's right paw has been enlarged to the size of his left paw.

  2. In the third and final version shown above, we see that the lion's left front leg is extended well beyond its former position, and that the left wrist is being held straight.

"Your prompt and professional response to my criticisms do you great credit, and augur well for the future of our joint endeavor in creating a collection of the finest quality," approved the Photographer.

At this point, the colloquy was interrupted by the appearance of a caterer's man, who proceeded to burden the library's sideboard with heavy, covered serving dishes containing Roast Beef, Roast Potatoes and Asparagus Hollandaise, while an assistant wheeled up a serving cart with heated urns of Coffee, Tea and Chocolate.

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